EfficientNet 논문 리뷰
EfficientNet : Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks [paper]
저자 : Mingxing Tan, Quoc V. Le
- Proposed ‘Compound Scaling Method’, which can scale ConvNet by efficiently balancing network Depth, Width, Image Resolution
- Proposed ‘EfficientNet’, which achieved SOTA accuracy with much more efficient model size and complexity
Problems to solve
- In previous work, it was common to scale only one of the three dimensions : depth, width, and image resolution
- Depth : The number of ConvNet layers
- Width : The number of channels of each ConvNet layer
- Image Resolution : Input image size (Height*Width)
- Is there a principled method to scale up ConvNets that can achieve better accuracy and efficiency?
Compound Scaling Method
Problem Formulation
- Define ConvNet Layer $i$ as $Y_i = \mathcal{F_i}(X_i)$
- where $Y_i$ : Output Tensor, $\mathcal{F_i}$ : Operator, $X_i$ : Input Tensor
- $X_i$ is a tensor with shape of $(H_i, W_i, C_i)$, where $H_i, W_i, C_i$ is height, width, channel of the tensor, respectively
- A list of ConvNet layers is represented as
- Let’s consider a list of ConvNet layers as block, then ConvNet $N$ can be defined as
where $\mathcal{F_i}^{L_i}$ is $\mathcal{F_i}$ repeated $L_i$ times in stage $i$
- Then, the target is to maximize the model accuracy for any given resource constraint
- In order to reduce the search space…
- No architecture($\mathcal{F_i}$) changing
- All layers must be scaled uniformly with constant ratio
Scaling Dimensions
- Deeper : Captures richer and more complex features
- Wider : Captures more fine-grained features and easier to train
- Higher Resolution : Captures more fine-grained patterns
- Scaling up any dimension of network improves accuracy, but the accuracy gain diminishes for bigger models
Compound Scaling
- Intuitively, higher resolution images deeper and wider network
- To validate this intuition, they scaled network width w by fixing d and r
- For better accuracy and efficiency, it is critical to balance the network width, depth, and resolution
Compound Scaling Method
- $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$ : constants to adjust the network depth, width, image resolution, respectively. These components are determined by a small grid search
- $\phi$ : variable to decide how many resources to use for model scaling
- FLOPS of ConvNet $\propto d, w^2, r^2 $
- FLOPS of ConvNet $\propto (\alpha \cdot \beta^2 \cdot \gamma^2 )^\phi$
- Set $\alpha \cdot \beta^2 \cdot \gamma^2 \approx 2$, so that the total FLOPS will increas approximately by $2^\phi$
- Once $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$ are decided, the model scaling can be easily done only by adjusting $\phi$
EfficientNet Architecture
- Compound Scaling Method does not change layer operators $\hat {\mathcal{F_i}}$ in baseline network but having a good baseline network is also critical
- By NAS(Neural Architecture Search) to optimize accuracy and FLOPS, an accurate and efficient baseline is proposed
- Optimization goal : $ACC(m) \times [FLOPS(m)/T]^w$
- $ACC(m)$ : Accuracy of model $m$
- $FLOPS(m)$ : FLOPS of model $m$
- $T$ : Target FLOPS (Here, $T$ = 400 million)
- $w$ : hyperparameter for trade-off (Here, $w=-0.07$)